Saturday, February 18, 2012

At the Post Office

I've grabbed 2 books for G to read while we wait.

I survey the line and know that I've been optimistic.  We're facing a 50 book wait.

G plops down in the middle of the dirty floor to "read."

Other children are standing in line.

One boy - a big boy - 9 years old? - is sitting on the only chair.

The boy moves to stand with his mother, and I suggest to G that he take the chair.

G stirs, but immediately the boy jumps & dashes back to claim "his" chair.  He throws a triumphant glance at G.

This has no impact on G.  He sits & reads.

The minutes pass.

The boy is again standing with his mother.

I notice that G is moving towards the chair.

The boy notices too.  He makes a dash, bumps into a man, continues his scurry towards the chair.

Too late.  G is sitting.

I watch the boy loom over my son.  The boy twists his face into an intimidating glare, which he locks on G.

I watch.

G meets the boy's eyes.  G shows no fear.  No doubt.  No tension.  With pure confidence, G states: "Don't look at me."

The boy shrinks back and returns to his mother.

Spending his first 3+ years in a Haitian orphanage, there are many lessons that my son didn't learn.  Self defense he learned very very well.

Don't mess with my kid.

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